
Active Acquisition for Multimodal Temporal Data: A Challenging Decision-Making Task

We introduce a challenging decision-making task that we call active acquisition for multimodal temporal data (A2MT). In many real-world scenarios, input features are not readily available at test time and must instead be acquired at significant cost. …

XFlow: Cross-modal Deep Neural Networks for Audiovisual Classification

In recent years, there have been numerous developments towards solving multimodal tasks, aiming to learn a stronger representation than through a single modality. Certain aspects of the data can be particularly useful in this case - for example, …

VideoNavQA: Bridging the Gap between Visual and Embodied Question Answering

Embodied Question Answering (EQA) is a recently proposed task, where an agent is placed in a rich 3D environment and must act based solely on its egocentric input to answer a given question. The desired outcome is that the agent learns to combine …