Recent & Upcoming Talks


Text-and-audio methods

An overview of text-and-audio methods that supports the Multimodal Learning module in R255.


Music AI Tools @ NeurIPS

A live demo of our ongoing work on Music AI tools; more info here.


Autoregressive long-context music generation with Perceiver AR

A talk on our recently-published general-purpose architecture, Perceiver AR, and why long context matters when processing real-world …


Few-shot learning on structured data - Keynote talk

An overview of why few-shot learning on structured data is important and some examples of works I have contributed to that address …

Graph generation and probabilistic methods

An overview of several graph generation and probabilistic approaches, part of the R250 MPhil course at the Cambridge CS department.


Meta-learning with Neural Processes

A reading group-style session focused around MetaFun (Xu et al. ICML 2020).

Graph Representation Learning under Uncertainty

Introducing a novel framework for learning graph representations while incorporating uncertainty modelling.

Deep Graph Mapper: Seeing Graphs through the Neural Lens (remote talk, with Cristian Bodnar)

A novel method based on topology and GNNs for graph visualisation and pooling.

Graph generation methods

A short intro to graph generation methods in recent ML research.


Challenges and approaches to QA in realistic environments; an introduction to VideoNavQA, an alternative take on EQA.


ViGIL Spotlight Talk @ NeurIPS 2019

Introducing the recently published VideoNavQA benchmark and study (BMVC 2019).

Question Answering in Realistic Visual Environments: Challenges and Approaches

An overview of challenging QA tasks and an alternative take on EQA.